Wednesday 24 October 2012

चित्रों में बयां होतीं कोसीकलां दंगे की कहानी

कोसीकलां का हिन्दू अपनी बेबसी पर रो रहा है और देश का बाकि का हिन्दू सो रहा है !

Note : These photos are of Mathura Riots happened in June 2012, but Hindus living there are still facing the brunt of these deadly riots. No Media has even thrown a slight 'focus' on these atrocities on Hindus. These photos are given here so that Hindus wake up and resolve to take weapons in their hands, not for 'Simollanghan', but for their self-defense on this auspicious occasion of Vijayadashmi / Dussehra / Dasara !!!

ये लेख केवल जिन्दा हिन्दुओं के लिए है मरे हुए हिन्दू इससे दूर ही रहे तो अच्छा है क्यूंकि उनके घडियाली आंसुओं की जल रहे हिन्दुओं को जरुरत नहीं है। हमें केवल जिन्दा हिन्दू चाहिए जो सर उठा कर एक दिन जिंदगी जीना चाहे और देश के लिए कुछ कर गुजरने की तमन्ना हो उसके दिल में और जो चाहे की उसके जाने के बाद उसके बच्चे शान से सर उठा कर जियें।

गाय जिसे दंगे के तेरहवें दिन मार कर मुसलमानों ने दंगे की तेरहवीं मनाई

हिन्दू घर के निचे दंगाइयों के द्वारा जलाई गई कारें और पीछे छतिग्रस्त घर

हिन्दुओं की दुकाने जिन्हें मुसलमानों ने जलाया और पुलिस ने शार्ट-सर्किट से लगी आग बताया

Sunday 21 October 2012

Mumbai : Muslim Youth arrested for abducting boy, wanted ransom for his lover

This is another case of lustful Muslim, who indulged in such heinous crime of abducting a 7-year-old boy, for his lover and her daughter. This Muslim is already married, but still wanted to make love with another. For his own 'love', he did not hesitate to kidnap someone's child, a heartthrob for parents ! Shame on such followers of Religion of 'Peace' (?) !!!

MUMBAI: A 22-year-old youth and his girl friend were today arrested for allegedly kidnapping a seven-year-old boy and demanding a ransom of Rs five lakh for the release, police said.

The child was rescued within 24 hours of the abduction in suburban Kandivali.

According to police, Saeed Ali Choudhary was today picked up on suspicion and during interrogation, he confessed to have kidnapped his neighbour's child.

Choudhary wanted money for his girlfriend, who has a daughter and has left her husband, police said.

Saturday 20 October 2012

SHOCKING : 80-year-old Albanian Muslim kills teen pregnant with his child

Why Muslims are so much lustful even at the age of 80 ? Also he was so cruel, he simply beheaded his 19-year-old 'lover' to whom he raped for 5 years ! This is the real face of RELIGION OF PIECE !!!

An 80-year-old Albanian man shot dead and then beheaded his 19-year-old neighbour pregnant with his child, a media report said.

The killing took place at a village near the town of Durres where Shaban Norja shot dead Aishe Vata, who was three-months pregnant, before cutting her head off and throwing it away in the hope that the body wouldn't be identified.

Norja confessed to police that he raped Aishe five years ago, adding they had maintained sexual relations afterwards. Aishe was pregnant with Norja at the time of being killed.

Making of a terrorist: from Gopalganj to NYC

Bangladeshi youth Bangladeshi youth Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, who was arrested in United States for his attempt of bombing the Federal Reserve Bank in New York City hails from Gopalganj district in Bangladesh and was born and raised in the old part of Dhaka city. His father, Quazi Mohammad Ahsanullah works with a private owned bank in Bangladesh, while most of the relatives of Nafis are well placed in the Bangladeshi society. According to an attorney handling the case, the Bangladesh student responsible for plotting to detonate a truck bomb outside the New York Federal Reserve is one of the most dangerous terrorists in the U.S. since 9/11.

Attorney Loretta Lynch compared the 21-year-old to previous terrorists who made their way into the U.S. like the Zazi members who plotted to bomb New York City's subway system in 2009.

"I would say he was as dangerous if not more so than the Zazi members because nothing was going to stop him. He was thinking if I do survive this, this will set me up to carry out bigger and better plots in the future" Lynch said.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Rahul Gandhi Rape Allegations: SC Orders Probe in Role of Mulayam and Akhilesh

The Supreme Court has ordered a probe into the roles Mulayam Singh Yadav and Akhilesh in instigating petitioners into filing charges of rape against Rahul Gandhi. Dismissing the petitions of kidnapping and rape against Rahul Gandhi, the MP from Amethi, the apex court has called for a CBI probe into the Samajwadi party leadership. The petitioner Kishore Samrite, former SP MLA had alleged that he had filed the case at the behest of the top SP brass.

he SC stated that charges leveled against Rahul Gandhi were utterly false, motivated and misleading, without a shred of evidence against him. Earlier Rahul maintained his stand of being falsely implicated in charges of wrongfully confining and raping a woman in his constituency Amethi. He said that the charges are an act of  ”sinister political mudslinging”.

Kishor Samrite has abeen asked to pay a fine of Rs 5 lakh.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Khurshid threatens Kejriwal; dares him to protest in Farrukhabad

Today our country's Union Law Minister is making such violent statements regarding an activist who have made allegations of scam on him. It proves that Bharat has become 'lawless' state because it is ruled by criminals and looters like Congress. What kind of country is this in which we are living ? Indians, Today Khurshid is threatening Kejriwal, tomorrow these demons can threaten you also. Enough is enough now ! If Union Law Minister is making such violent comments, then it is high time for us to take weapons in hands to tackle with such morons and defend ourselves. Please remember that no law avoids 'Right of Self-defense' and we should use it now !!!

Still fuming after a Headlines Today-Aaj Tak investigation - Operation Dhritrashtra -- exposed irregularities in his NGO, Union Law Minister Salman Khurshid compromised his defence further by issuing a chilling threat to activist-turned-politician Arvind Kejriwal.

Speaking in Uttar Pradesh's Allahabad district on Wednesday, Khurshid said that as a law minister he was expected to wield the pen, but "if necessary, ink can also be replaced with blood".

Khurshid's next statement was even more threatening. He said Kejriwal was welcome to visit his constituency Farrukhabad in UP, but he would not make it out of the place.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Sri Lanka : Poor Saiva families subjected to Islamic proselytism

Now other Hindus should force Sri Lanka Govt. to support poor Hindu Saiva families which are falling prey to ploy of Islamists.  Also as following report states, Tamil Hindu Girls are also sexually abused by their Muslim employers. Hindus should form strong teams of Youth to fight against such lustful Islamic demons for the defense of self and Hindu girls. All Tamil Hindu girls should go through rigorous Self-defense training so that no Muslim will dare to touch them !!!

Administrators of mosques in Ampaa'rai district are engaged in converting members of poor Tamil Saiva families to Islam with financial inducement, civil society sources in Ampaa'rai said. Poor Tamil families from Chiththa'ndi, Mu'rakkottaancheanai, Chanthive'li, Kiraan and Ko'rakkallimadu who go work in rice mills, textile shops and brick making centres owned by Muslim businessmen are being coerced with inducements from the business owners according to sources.

About seventy five Saiva families of Nainaakdu have been converted to Islam.

A mosque has also been constructed at the village for the convertees' use, sources said.

LOVE JIHAD : Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor get married

So now another HINDU ACTRESS has become victim of LOVE JIHAD. Now there are so many instances in Bollywood of such LOVE JIHAD and Hindu girls are falling prey to this tradition of LOVE JIHAD and making their life HELL by their own will. Hindus at least wake up now and create awareness in Hindu girls about the demon of LOVE JIHAD !!!

Bollywood star couple Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor on Tuesday, tied the knot here in a quiet affair after a five-year courtship.

Mr Saif, 42, son of late Nawab of Pataudi and former Indian cricket captain Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi and actress Sharmila Tagore, sealed his relationship with Ms Kareena, 32, at his residence in suburban Bandra through a registered marriage.

“It was a registered marriage with three witnesses — Ms Kareena’s father Randhir Kapoor, her mother Babita and Mr Saif’s mother Sharmila,” marriage Registrar Surekha Ramesh told PTI.

Monday 15 October 2012

Christianizing India is Catholic Church’s major goal

Christianization of India – and not Indianization of Christ – is the major goal of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church. Any attempt to derail this goal should be defeated through solidification of faith through spiritual campaigns, says a study document on protection of faith prepared as part of the Year of Faith observance by the Catholic Church

In the particular context of the strengthening of several smaller Christian sects, especially in Kerala, the document says that measures will have to be adopted to avoid the splintered sects, including the Protestants, influencing the faithful belonging to the Syro-Malabar Church. It criticizes some such sects by identifying them by their names.

“It doesn’t have any mysterious connotation,” said a Kochi-based senior priest of the Catholic Church when asked to explain the concept of Christianizing India. “There cannot be different Christs and Christian beliefs for different countries. In that sense, Indianization of Christ is impossible. It would be contrary to faith if anybody is attempting to do this,” he said.

Sunday 14 October 2012

More Muslim representation in police force, army and IB: Muslim body

Hindus brethern, beware now ! As UPA Government at Center and SP Govt. in UP, both are licking boots of Muslims for retaining their VOTEBANKS, such demands can be accepted instantly by governments. As Muslims consider non-Muslims as Kafirs i.e. infidels, Muslims in Police force, Army and IB will use their powers to cleanse Hindus from our own country. It was evident from recent incident in which Muslim police from J&K was helping terrorists. Now Hindus should come out on roads to force Govt. to act on such demands by Muslim bodies. If Hindus do not act now, they will have to perish or have to take weapons in their own hands for self-defense if they want to survive in near future !!!

LUCKNOW: Expressing concern over spurt in communal violence in various parts of the country, the All India Muslim Majlis-e Mushawarat (AIMMM), the umbrella body of Indian Muslim organisations in the country, has demanded increase in Muslim representation in the police force and Intelligence Bureau (IB).

The Central Working Committee of the AIMMM, in a recent meeting, passed a resolution stating that it is alarmed at the spurt in communal riots in various parts of the country, especially in Uttar Pradesh after Samajwadi Party government came to power in the state. "It has been noted that the police force either remains passive during these instances of engineered murder, loot and arson or becomes an active participant opening fire at will at Muslims with the intent to kill as happened at Masuri town near Delhi.

How to tackle the problem of illegal Muslim immigrants in Europe ?

Charles T. Lempke, President and CEO of Facts, Inc. coming to us all the way from the US, about problem of the illegal Muslim population throughout all of Europe.

Reference @

If you look at Europe there is a panel discussion about the threats of the illegal Muslim population throughout all of Europe.

That’s a hell of a problem.

Yes, it is. And they have very different values. To take it to the extreme they have a different legal system that they believe should apply to them. They have entirely different set of values and yet in many parts of Europe and other places where they said – we welcome people, we are not going to harass you too much – there the numbers have grown to such a high percentage or proportion and they now have some effective force that if you don’t agree with them they can cause problems.

Because in some places they are a majority now.

Absolutely! They realized the problem – if you begin to allow this how long is it before the well intentioned people now fall into a minority and therefore cannot control the rules, regulations, laws, policies and programs of the country.

That’s a million dollar question.

And the only answer to that is – the reason we have immigration laws is so that we can control the number and percentage of people within our borders that supposedly come here with different values, and then we want them to adopt our values. Instead what is happening is – large numbers of people are just appearing and they want us to adopt their values.

Saturday 13 October 2012

Hindus Fighting to Save Cows in West Bengal - Mamata, TMC and Police Promoting Cow Slaughter

Reference -


West Bengal Politics, Administration, Police want to crush Hindu Organisations in West Bengal.

Under political pressure from Ruling Party (TMC), the West Bengal Police is plotting to ensure untroubled Cow Slaughter in maximum places very much illegally.

Hindu Existence (Special Investigating Team) | Kolkata |13-10-2012 :: Through its Valuable Judgements dt 02.11.2011 and 13-10-2011, the Honb’le Calcutta High Court categorically said that “the officials of the State and local bodies have no power to facilitate holding of markets for trading of cattle for sacrifice and also the movement of cattle for the said purpose on the occasion of Id-uz-Zoha”.  Earlier, the Supreme Court of India reiterated that “sacrifice of a cow on Bakr id Day is not an obligatory overt act for a Musalman to exhibit his religious belief and ideas”. In many occasions the appex court directed that “such slaughter cannot be a religious purpose because it is not a part of religious requirement for the Musalmans..”  In fine Cow slaughter in the name of Medicinal, Research or Religious purposes is strictly prohibited as per the directions given by the Honb’le courts time to time. In West Bengal one can procure beef from the authorised slaughter houses and permitted outlets, obviously not violating the West Bengal Animal Slaughter Control Act, 1950 in force.

But, unfortunately the Police in West Bengal allowing Animal Cruelty, Ghastly Slaughtering and Perilous Pollution in these days of ensuing Bakar Idd on 27th Oct, 2012, by violating Preventions of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act, 1960; Animal Transportation Act; WB Pollution Control Act; WB Animal Slaughter Control Act, 1950 and the relevant judgements  of different Hon’ble courts. The political and police nexus in different places in West Bengal is promoting local Cow markets (Garu-hat) and the illegal transportation for Cow Slaughter in ensuing Bakar Idd and taking huge amount of speed money-bribe from the unauthorized cow traders and transporters.

Are Hindus moving towards Hindu-less Greater Bengal ?

The way Mamata Didi is appeasing Islamists in Bengal leading to their exponential growth in all sectors of life and Hindus are being cleansed ethnically from Bangladesh – it seems that the unfulfilled dream of Suhrawardy – Greater Bengal – also supported by Communists elatedly – will not remain a distant dream anymore. If the (existing) brutal saga continues, the dream may turn into a reality within the next decade sealing fate of Hindus inhabiting this part of Indian subcontinent finally.

What will Hindus do then count on them solely but if some of them prefer to remain “sickular” still, they ought to read the writing on the wall and have info of Hindu persecution in Bangladesh, erstwhile East Pakistan, from their Hindu fellows on the other side of the border.

Will Hindus in Bangladesh come to an end finally ?

Reference -

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand lines and happens to be most expressive.

What is being done through desecration and destruction of Holy Deities of Devi Durga (when Durga Puja or Duurgotsava – greatest festival of minority Hindu community – is round the corner in Bangladesh) now is not any annual exuberance or enthusiasm of Islamists any longer.

As fresh reports are coming in, it is taking place from all Islamists, cutting across political lines in Bangladesh, to cleanse the country ethnically of Hindus. While some fear that this spate is going to be the worst in the post-1947 period in Bangladesh, others do apprehend that Hindus will not be given time to enter Indian mainland any more even.

Will there be repetition of Noakhali massacre in 1946 or Barisal genocide of Hindus in 1950 once more?

Only time can tell but to call this sordid reality (getting apparent increasingly with each day it passes) a halt the international community must get proactive. 

Friday 12 October 2012

Why Mamata Banerjee distributed bicycles only to Muslim Girl students of West Bengal ?

Now, Hindu Girl Students are discriminated by a heartless Mamata Banerjee ! 

~ Upananda Brahmachari.
She is an MA in Islamic History from Calcutta University. She has an Islamic legacy indeed. With the help of International Islamic lobby, she capably changed the regime of 34 years old Left  Front Govt.  in West Bengal. Sky is not the limit as Allah has forbidden the sky and moon for human beings. Her destination is Islamic Bengal in West Bengal. Her logic, if West Pakistan was turned an Islamic state, why not West Bengal?  Once Mamta Banerjee claimed in Parliament that beef eating as a fundamental right. She loves Hijab and Islamic style of ‘pardha’. She and her Party TMC (TrinMool Congress, read Total Muslim Congress) are devoutly sacrificing for Islamic Cause to make Ma -Maati- Manush (Mother-Land-People), synonymous to Muslim Ma- Maati – Manush. Yes, got the great name of Miss (?) Mamata Banerjee, now mostly known as Mamtaz Baunu Arzee.

Claiming that the Trinamool Congress government in 16 months has fulfilled all its pre-2011 Assembly election commitments to the minorities, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said in a Govt.  function in Netaji Indoor Stadium on Wednesday 10-10-12 that it is giving utmost importance to minority welfare. Mamata Banerjee handed over bicycles to 34 Muslim girls studying in Madarsah (Quran School) in and around the city. Bicycles were also gifted to 760 other girls from minority schools in various parts of the city. “This is also a form of woman empowerment,” said the chief minister. She also disbursed aid under various schemes of the Minority Affairs and Madrasah Education Department and West Bengal Minorities Development and Financial Corporation. God knows how the women empowerment can happen in such a blatant deprivation with the  Hindu women and girls. Notoriously Mamtata Banerjee is dividing the society and even the students in tender ages with a filthy discriminatory method and hurt the Hindu girl students as they are not getting the by-cycles from the Govt. as they are not in Muslim community.

Ahmedabad : 5 Muslims arrested with 800kg of beef

Hindus, for 800 kg beef, Muslim butchers have killed many cows, which are considered as Holy as per our scriptures ! Now we need to join hands to stop this practice of killing cows by Muslims. If these Mullahs don't want stop it, then such persons should be hanged in public. Hindus must force Government for passing such laws !!!

AHMEDABAD: The arrest of a gang on Thursday by Ramol police exposed the north-east Gujarat and central Gujarat route for the meat dealers as five persons were nabbed with 800 kilograms of beef concealed in a Maruti 800 car. Police said that they are trying to reach to the major suppliers outside Ahmedabad involved in the activity.

A team of Ramol police nabbed five persons with 800 kilograms of beef from ring road early on Thursday morning. Police said that the beef came from Godhra in Panchmahal and was going to meat market in Shahpur. Investigators said that the team was on patrol on ring road at 6.30 am on Thursday when they spotted a Maruti 800 car. The officials asked the driver to stop the car for checking. However, the driver zoomed off iin direction of Vastral. On the basis of suspicion, the police officials chased the car and forcibly stopped it. Five persons tried to flee from the spot but were caught by police.

Caught on camera : Asked to pay toll, Congress MP pulled out gun

Indians, today these CONgis are brandishing their guns on Toll Plazas threatening toll employees; tomorrow they may enter your houses and loot you after looting the Nation. Wake up and start revolution against these traitors of Bharath Mata !!! Let us start another 'Freedom Revolution' !!!

Vadodra: Congress MP from Porbandar in Gujarat, Vithal Radadiya, has been caught on camera pulling out a gun, brandishing it and threatening employees at a toll plaza near Vadorara. The MP has refused to apologise, justifying his action by saying he acted in self defence, though no other person is seen anywhere near him on camera for most part.

The incident happened near a toll plaza at Karjan village last night, when the politician's car stopped at the toll booth. In a police complaint, the toll booth employees have said that the attendant asked for the MP's identity card and the driver showed him a photocopy. When the toll attendant asked for the original, they said, Mr Radadiya angrily stepped out of the car with the gun in hand and pointed it at the attendant, even allegedly threatening to kill him.

Footage from a CCTV camera installed at the toll plaza corroborates this. On camera the bearded MP, dressed in white, is seen strutting around the car with the gun, occasionally raising it and pointing it at people, clearly agitated.

Other commuters passing through the toll plaza were reportedly too afraid to step out of their cars.

Mr Radadiya denies none of this. Except that he claims that about 15 people had surrounded his car and so he had to grab the gun for self defence. "Are people free to attack us? I acted in self defence. Where is the police on a highway?" he asked.

With an injured air he recounted to NDTV how his car was stopped at the plaza despite him being an MP. "MPs don't have to pay toll," he said, clearly astonished that he was stopped. The attendant's due diligence also did not  agree with the MP, who said indignantly, "When I got down I was called a bogus MP. If a person calls me a bogus MP, they say my card is false, what do I do?"

'My mission was to kill journalists, Hindu leaders' : Arrested Bangalore Terrorist

Are Hindus ready to fight with such dreaded Muslim terrorists ? Now where are those pseudo-seculars who always brand Muslims as 'Innocent' and followers of 'Religion of peace' (Read 'Religion of piece'). From such statements it has become clear that Hindus are kafirs for Islamic terrorists and hence it is necessity of the time that Hindus should take weapons in their hands to fight these Islamic demons. Hindus should learn to kill such Jihadis if they want to live on this planet. Remember Hindus that 'Killing for self-defense' is not crime, its your right !!!

Also now where is the Indian 'Secular' Media which gets paid for mudslinging on Hindus and Hindu Dharma ? Why Media not highlighting such 'communal' and 'hated' statements of Muslim terrorist ? Do they afraid wrath of Muslims ? What kind of Journalism is this ?

Mohammad Akram Pasha is an educated youngster from Nanded in Maharshtra, who was in Bangalore as part of an operation to assassinate, reports Vicky Nanjappa

Mohammad Akram Pasha, 25, speaks flawless English and has no qualms admitting that he had come to Bangalore to eliminate journalists and Hindu leaders. Currently on a body warrant in Maharashtra, the Bangalore assassination plot was not the first time Akram has been involved in such a mission. A similar operation was planned in Maharashtra as well where Hindu leaders were targeted.

On Thursday, the Delhi police arrested three operatives of the Indian Mujahideen; one of them being from Maharashtra. Police sources say that during questioning Akram revealed the name of one of the youngsters, which helped them carry out the arrest and prevent the attack.

Akram, according to the police, is associated with the Lashkar-e-Tayiba and is part of the same module that Abu Jundal (key handler in the 26/11 Mumbai attack) was part of. Although the two have never been in contact, Akram too subscribes to the same ideology.

Thursday 11 October 2012

October 10 : Have we forgotten Noakhali 1946 Genocide of Hindus ?

The Truth Plagiarized in Noakhali

“Worst of all was the plight of women. Several of them had to watch their husbands being murdered and then be forcibly converted and married to some of those responsible for their death. Those women had a dead look. It was not despair, nothing so active as that. It was blackness…….the eating of beef and declaration of allegiance to Islam has been forced upon many thousands of as the price of their lives”
This is what Miss Muriel Leister, member of a relief committee sent to Noakhali wrote on 6th November, 1946,(V.V. Nagarkar – Genesis – p 446). The words have an eerie similarity to the outburst of Annie Beasant after the moplah riots but belong to an entirely different holocaust. These riots had started about a month earlier in Muslim dominated twin districts of Noakhali and Tipperah. Since the Muslim League government was architect of the riots, news was suppressed for as long as possible. 

Amrita Bazar Patrika on 23/10/46 reported,
“For the 13th day today, about 120 villages in Ramganj, Lakshmipur, Raipur, Begumganj and Senbag thanas (police stations) in Noakhali district with a Hindu population of 90,000 and nearby 70,000 villagers in Chandpur and Faridganj thanas in Tippera (Comilla) district remained besieged by hooligans. Death stares the people of these areas in their face and immediate rushing of supply to these areas with the help of military, who alone could do it, would save the lives of these people, most of whom have been without food for the last few days.”
The riots had started on 10/10/1946, but the ML government acknowledged the fact only on 15/10/1946, a criminal delay of five days in which thousands of lives could have been saved and women could have been saved from being raped by gangs. Today, after six decades the present secular governments have gone even further. The deganga riots have gone totally unreported in main stream media.

On 16/10/1946, The Statesman reported:
“In an area of about 200 sq miles the inhabitants surrounded by riotous mobs, are being massacred, their houses being burnt, their womenfolk being forcibly carried away and thousands being subjected to forcible conversion. Thousands of hooligans attacked the villages, compelled them (Hindus) to slaughter their cattle and eat. All places of worship in affected villages have been desecrated. The District Magistrate and the Police Superintendent of Noakhali took no step to prevent it.”

Bangladesh : Durga idols broken, temples attacked by Muslims

Munshiganj/Narail, Oct 10 ( — Unidentified miscreants damaged idols of Hindu Goddess Durga in several makeshift temples in different parts of Munshiganj and Narail districts in the wee hours of Wednesday.

Bottola Mandap at Chhoto Shikarpur in Sirajdikhan was attacked shortly after six idols of the Hindu Goddess were installed around 2pm.

Minority Hindu community is preparing to celebrate its biggest religious festival, Durga Puja, in the last week of October.

The attacks came even as the country is yet to recover from the shock given by the communal violence in Cox's Bazaar and Chittagong districts that ravaged Buddhist villages in two days of attacks.

Molotov cocktail for kids: Tunisian children’s magazine publishes deadly recipe

A Tunisian children's magazine "Kaws Kouzah” has recently published a detailed step-by-step instruction of how to make a Molotov cocktail. Now the periodical is facing a lawsuit for endangering kids lives.

The Tunisian Ministry for Women and Family Affairs has expressed concern that the article’s content poses a threat to children’s lives, as it “encourages” the use of Molotov cocktails in acts of “vandalism or terrorism.”

The piece, published under the “knowledge corner” subsection, contained a detailed instruction on the assembly of the deadly mix.  The article, employing colorful illustrations, read a “Molotov cocktail – is a home-made incendiary weapon which consists of a glass bottle and a folded cloth dipped in a flammable liquid – oil, alcohol, petrol.”

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Hindus and Buddhists – lost in Bangladesh

Minorities in Peril in Bangladesh - by Anirban Ganguly (Associate Fellow, VIF)

Minorities in Peril in Bangladesh - by Anirban Ganguly (Associate Fellow, VIF)

‘My civilisation is lost. My lifetime of worshipping has gone in vain. I am a lost man and lost I will be…Please save my future generation! Please’ cried Satyapriya Mahathero, the second senior most Buddhist monk in Bangladesh. The 83-year old Mahathero’s monastery – the Kendriyo Sima Vihar – was vandalized and the Buddha statues in it defaced and burnt in the attacks on Buddhist and Hindu temples at Ramu, Ukhia, Patia and Teknaf under Chittagong Division on 29th and 30th September. The venerable monk barely escaped with his life when his followers managed to whisk him away to a nearby paddy field during the attack.

According to the Delhi based Asian Centre for Human Rights (ACHR) at least 24 temples were burnt down and dozens of Buddhists villages were attacked, leaving thousands homeless. The Ramu sub-district with 15 burnt Buddhist temples was the worst affected. Two Hindu temples – Kolegaon Nabarun Sangha Durga Mandir and the Matri Mandir in Patia sub-district were also burnt. The 250 year old Cheranghata Barakyang Buddhist Vihara was also torched and desecrated. Eyewitness reports indicate that mobs sprinkled gun powder and petrol and torched the monasteries obstructing and thrashing monks who attempted to douse the flame.

End organized crime to end Islamic terrorism in India

By D Suba Chandran, Research Officer

Organized crime and terrorism result from ineffective governance and have developed a symbiotic relationship; nevertheless, it is essential to differentiate them. Neither are all terrorist acts organized crime, nor are all organized criminal acts terrorism; in most developed countries, organized crime thrives with little or no terrorist activities, and in most developing countries, terrorism exists along with varying levels of organized criminal activity.

The differences between them rest on means and ends. Terrorism aims to overthrow the existing government by altering the status quo. Organized crime, on the other hand aims to form a parallel government while coexisting with the existing one; any change in the status quo is only circumstantial and born out of convenience rather than zealous revisionist policy. Secondly, terrorism primarily uses violent means, whereas organized crime prefers to be non-violent notwithstanding odd resort to belligerence. Third, terrorism is driven purely by political objectives despite exploitation of regional, national and religious sentiments to achieve their ends; conversely, economic objectives are the operational determinants of organized crime.

What are the linkages between terrorism and organized crime and how are they relevant in the Indian context? While organized crime involves many activities, its linkages with terrorism stem from illegal trafficking of drugs, arms and human beings and money laundering. Terrorist groups, whether indigenous or sponsored by outside states, need arms and money for their fight against the security forces. Organized crime conglomerates need a clientele and couriers who can smuggle drugs, arms and human beings across the countries and regions.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Muslim goon scars Hindu girl’s face for objecting to eve-teasing

Day-by-day incidents of LOVE JIHAD are increasing. When Hindu girl refuses to make 'Love' with Muslim boy, he simply kills her or attacks her with blade, knife or acid. At many times we read the stories of Hindu girls falling prey to Muslim boys, while on the other hand there are reports of brutal killings of Hindu boys for loving or marrying a Muslim girl. Now Hindus should also vow to fight this demon of LOVE JIHAD by hook or by crook. Hindu girls should also learn handling of different weapons for their self-defense, which is 'The Right' given by the Indian Constitution only. They have 'right' to cut the hands of Muslims which are coming towards them ! Let us defeat the demon of ISLAMIC JIHAD !!!

Varish Qureshi (22), an alleged local ruffian, was arrested on Sunday for cutting the face of a 17-year-old girl with a blade after she objected to eve-teasing.

Preeti Margappa, admitted to Cooper Hospital in Vile Parle, suffered a deep cut across her face and also on her lips.

D N Nagar police said the attack took place at 8.30 pm on Saturday. Preeti was on her way to a public phone booth when the accused waylaid her and made a pass at her.

“She objected and threatened to call police,” said brother-in-law Anand Pimplar.

Varish confessed to police the threat irked him and he allegedly picked up a blade from a local salon. Eyewitnesses told cops he then followed the victim and scarred her face and injured her shoulder.

Monday 8 October 2012

LOVE JIHAD : Egypt's Coptic Women Abducted in the Name of Islam

WASHINGTON -- Coptic Christians make up the largest Christian community in the Middle East, which also makes them sitting targets for violence and discrimination.

As Egypt moves toward "democratic reforms," the situation is deteriorating for the Coptic church, especially Christian women.

Last year's protests in Cairo's Tahrir Square inspired hopes for freedom. But one year later, "freedom" seems even more distant for Egypt's Coptic Christians who've seen their churches burned and community abused.

"I kept asking myself, 'What if this man hadn't saved me. Where would I be now?'" a Coptic Christian going by the name "Ann" said at a hearing in Washington, Wednesday.

Ann is seeking asylum in the United States and recently testified to a congressional committee from behind a wall to conceal her identity and protect her family in Egypt.

Balasaheb Thackeray rakes muck over Jairam's toilet comment

Mumbai, Oct 8 (IANS) Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray Monday launched a stinging attack against union Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh for his remarks comparing toilets with temples and said the Congress was responsible for the sorry state of affairs.

It was indeed shocking how nearly two-thirds of the countrymen still defecated in the open, Thackeray said.

"In the past 65 years (since Independence), it is the Congress which has ruled the country most of the time. But they did nothing to rid the country of this social problem," Thackeray declared in an editorial in the party mouthpiece Saamna.

At a function at Sewagram in Maharashtra's district, Ramesh contended that "there are too many gods and goddesses in this country. Toilets are more important than temples today".

Madrasa Education in India: Inhumane machinery to produce Brutal Jihadists

Would you like to send your wards to any Madrasa ?

Juvenile beaten up and forced to learn Arabic, kept in chains at madrasa, flees madrasa, lands in judge’s house…

Sangareddy (Andhra Pradesh – India) : IF YOU DON’T LEARN ALLAH’S LANGUAGE (ARABIC) PROPERLY, YOU BE PUT IN CHAIN. ALLAH IS GREAT AND MERCIFUL. In an inhuman incident that has come to light, a boy was kept chained in a madrasa (Islamic seminary) in Medak town for 15 days and was forced to learn Arabic.

A 12-year-old boy was allegedly chained by authorities of a local madrasa to prevent him from escaping from the school, following which a case was registered against its management, police said on Sunday. According to Medak town police, the boy has been studying in ‘Minhaj-ul-uloom’ religious school for the past three years and had earlier made several attempts to run away from the madrasa, as he was not a quick learner and had a stammering problem.

However, he escaped with the locked chains on and knocked on the doors of a judge in the early hours of Saturday .

Congress says toilets better than temples

By Rajeev Srinivasan

Congress Minister Jairam Ramesh said something the other day that was clearly flame-bait, that is, a gratuitous insult, not to mention something at variance with the facts. Ramesh said that toilets are more important than temples.

This is notably inane for several reasons. First, he didn’t say toilets are more important than Churches, or that toilets are more important than Mosques. He didn’t, for very good reason. If he had said either of these things, he would have been in serious trouble. However, he knows that hate speech against Hindus will not get him in trouble. On the other hand, it will get him brownie points with the hate-Hindu brigade; and so it has happened.

This is par for the course, and another example of the apartheid practiced against the minority Hindu population. I use the word minority advisedly. If you look up any encyclopedia, you will see that there are some 2.5 billion Christians in the world, and some 2 billion Muslims. So they form the majority of the world’s population of about 6.5 billion — any other religion is a minority religion.

Hindu Consolidation Blockades Cow Smuggling at Baduria, West Bengal

Baduria Police Face Severe Pressure from the Islamic Trafficker / Criminal / Clergy Nexus
Former Indian Union Home Minister and the present Finance Minister P. Chidambaram suggested  sometimes ago that the Border Security Forces (BSF) be soft in dealing with cross border criminal/trafficking activities. Any person with a rational and unbiased thinking easily understood what he had actually meant to suggest. His suggestion was an open invitation to smugglers and religious fundamentalists (all Muslims) to indulge in their illegal activities without any fear from the concerned authorities.
The village of Sayestha Nagar under Baduria police station in the district of North 24 Parganas is situated 3 km away from the Bangladesh border and due to the sensitivity of this location, it has become a regular conduit for smugglers to carry their goods across the border. Earlier, smugglers, almost all Bangladeshi Muslim infiltrators, used to choose two roads in the outskirts of the village to smuggle their items but constant reluctance of the administration to contain their act, turned them further desperate and daring. They have become so invincible in that area that even after a matador owned by Kader Sardar (a Muslim activist) coming from Basirhat carrying smuggled cows went away with impunity even after hitting the car of the local head of the police (SDPO) resulting fracture in the officer’s hand.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Unpaid Electricity Bill of Rs 4-cr for Delhi Juma Masjid

Will UPA Govt. dare to cut the electricity of Jama Masjid and arrest Imam Bukhari and his associates for its unpaid electricity bill of Rs. 4.16 crore ? Hindus, remember that this same Anti-Hindu Govt. takes over Hindu Temples and use temple money to feed Muslims, Churches, Mosques, Haj Subsidy etc. Now Hindus should come together to throw this Govt. to rot in hell !

Delhi’s Juma Masjid has an unpaid power bill of Rs 4.16 crore, which has been accumulated over a period of time. This has led to frequent power snaps in the area by the power distribution company (discom) BSES causing unending woes for those staying i the Masjid’s vicinity. The power cuts last for as long as 8 hours.

Adding to power cuts are shortages in water supply. However, Power Secretary Shakti Sinha has washed his hands off the matter. “It is between the power supplier (BSES) and the consumer; we have no legal role to play in this,” he said.

The Draconian Law that Protects Robert Vadra : SPG Act

The law that gives Robert Vadra, an ordinary yet highly controversial citizen, unfettered powers to cross Indian borders and security points unchecked, is the draconian SPECIAL PROTECTION GROUP ACT 1988.

In its brief history of Independence, free India wrote one of the most shameful acts of Parliament when it gave its approval to the SPG Act.

While certain portions of the Act are necessary to protect important citizens and the lives of their families, the fact that the SPG is unanswerable to anyone makes it a highly powerful yet unaccountable force in a democratic nation.

Friday 5 October 2012

'Religion of Piece' in action : Thailand's Muslim insurgency reignites

JAKARTA, Oct. 1 (UPI) -- Attacks in Thailand's restive southern Muslim provinces have killed six people and wounded 27.

The shooting and bombing attacks occurred in Thailand's southern provinces of Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat. An insurgency began in the provinces in 2004, with militants seeking an independent Muslim state carved out of southern Thailand, a majority Buddhist country.

More than 5,300 Thais, both Buddhist and Muslim, have died in the mayhem, with the provinces suffering bomb or gun attacks nearly every day.

The Plight of Hindus – A Lion Who Thinks He is a Mouse ?

By Francois Gautier

I have fought for the Kashmir Pandits ever since I covered Kashmir in the nineties and saw them flee helpless and terrified. In 2005, I received the Natchiketa Award of Excellence in Journalism at the hand of the PM in Lok Sabha and with the prize money, I started a Foundation FACT (Foundation Against Continuing Terrorism) and my first exhibition was on the plight of the KP. You can see information and pictures on it here.

HH Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was so touched by it, that He took it all over the world with Him. We showed it to the Polish Parliament, the Israeli parliament, the Scottish Parliament, in the Commonwealth Club in London and even to the US Congress in Washington, which led to a Resolution on the plight of the Kashmir Pandits.

315 people including five Christian priests returned to Hindu fold

A total of 315 people belonging to 22 families, which include five Christian priests also, returned to Hindu fold on August 20.  The homecoming ceremony was jointly organized by Sant Ravidas Dharma Raksha Samiti and Shri Suhedev ‘Dharma Raksha Samiti at Murdhan village under Harhua block of Varanasi on August 20.  The people who retuned home basically belonged to three villages – Murdahan, Benipur and Palia.  A yajna was performed on the occasion by Pt. Dhiraj Chaube and all the people offered ahutis in the Yajna.

President of Sant Ravidas Dharma Raksha Samiti Shri Aman, convener of Shri Suhedev Dharma Raksha Samiti Shri Shivshankar, Prant Pramukh of homecoming project Shri Madhuban Yadav and Shri Rambahadur Singh of Kshatriya Ekta Parishad were also present on the occasion.  The function concluded with recitation of Hanuman Chalisa and aarti of Bharat Mata.

Ref -

Thursday 4 October 2012

Ahmedabad : Fanatic Muslims torch Police Station & vehicles during anti-Islam film protest

Hindus, are you ready to fight this demon of 'Islam' ? Remember, what they are saying 'Behead those who insult Islam' and as per Islamic belief, Hindus are infidels because we worship Deities in Idol form and do not follow Islam ! Wake up at least now !!!

AHMEDABAD: A rally to condemn the anti-Islam film 'Innocence of Muslims', which has irked Muslims across the globe, took a violent turn in the city on Wednesday. An angry mob set fire to the Karanj police chowky along with 11 motorbikes and two jeeps belonging to the policemen.

City police fired three rounds in the air to disperse the mob. Officials also lobbed more than 30 tear gas shells and lathi-charged the protesters to bring the situation under control. At least 12 people were injured in police lathi-charge.

More than 100 people were arrested for the violence by late evening. This included a woman, Zarina Khan, who had initially sought permission for a rally from the cops, which was turned down. The accused have been booked for attempt to murder and vandalism.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

कोसीकलां (मथुरा) दंगे का पूरा सच

This post gives your through and truthful insight about the Mathura Riots happened in June 2012. Even though the incident has become older, it is still eye-opener for Hindus. After Mathura, there were riots in Assam, Mumbai, Uttar Pradesh and many other parts of country, but even after this Hindus are not waking up ! Please wake up at least now before you get perished !!!

 कोसीकलां दंगे का प्रारंभ और क्रमवार विश्लेषण : "देखिये इन मुल्ले आतंकवादियों का सच"

१ जून २०१२, दिन शुक्रवार, तिथि निर्जला एकादशी, समय दोपहर २ बजे

मुस्लिम समुदाय के जुमे की नमाज का समय| कोसीकलां में जिंदगी अपनी गति से बढ़ रही थी| दोपहर की नमाज समाप्त होने के पश्चात् सब्जी मंडी में एक व्यापारी देवा ने एक ग्राहक को सामान दे कर मस्जिद के निचे रखे ड्रम के पानी से हाथ धो लिया| उसी समय मस्जिद से निचे उतर रहे खालिद शेख ने व्यापारी देवा को ऐसा करते देख लिया और उसे फटकार  दिया| देवा ने कहा की अगर आपका पानी ख़राब हो गया तो मैं क्षमा मांगता हूँ और ड्रम को दोबारा भरवा देता हूँ| देवा ने दोबारा ड्रम को पानी से भरवा दिया| दोबारा पानी भरवा देने के बाद भी खालिद शेख अपने अहंकारवश देवा से मारपिट चालू कर दिया| खालिद के ऐसा करने का अन्य हिन्दू व्यापारी बन्धुवों ने विरोध किया| लेकिन खालिद ने मस्जिद से अन्य मुस्लिमों को बुला लिया हिन्दुओं के साथ बर्बरता पूर्वक मारपीट करता हुआ मस्जिद में वापस चला गया और उसके बाद मस्जिद में उपस्थित मुस्लिमो ने हिन्दुओं पर मस्जिद के अन्दर से ही पथराव चालू कर दिया| इतना ही नहीं खालिद ने कोसी नगर के मुस्लिम बहुल इलाके "निकासे" के मुस्लिमो को ये सुचना दे दी की हमारी मस्जिद को हिन्दुओं ने घेर लिया है और हमारे ऊपर हमला कर रहे हैं| ज्ञात हो की खालिद शेख ६ महिना भारत में रहता है और ६ महिना सउदी अरब में रहता है| वह सउदी अरब से कोसीकलां और उसके आसपास के क्षेत्रों के सभी मस्जिदों के लिए हवाला के जरिये धन मुहैया करता है| इतना ही नहीं खालिद शेख आई०एस०आई० का एजेंट भी है और मुस्लिम हितैषी सरकार जैसे कांग्रेस और सपा के साथ प्रगाढ़ सम्बन्ध बनाये हुए है और उनके हमेसा संपर्क में रहता है|

कोसीकलां का पाकिस्तान कहे जाने वाले मुस्लिम बहुल क्षेत्र "निकासे" से सैकड़ों की संख्या में उग्र मुसलमानों की भीड़ अपना आतंकवादी रूप दिखाते हुए अपने विभिन्न प्रकार के घातक  हथियारों जैसे बम, पिस्तौल, पेट्रोल बम इत्यादि से लैस हो कर हिन्दुओं पर हमला करते हुए उक्त मस्जिद की तरफ बढ़ने लगे| लेकिन सब्जी मंडी मस्जिद और निकासे के बिच स्थित  हिन्दू बहुल क्षेत्र "बल्देव गंज" के हिन्दू भाइयों ने निकासे के मुस्लिमो को मुहतोड़ जवाब  दिया| इसपर गुस्साए मुसलमानों ने तबाही का जो मंजर प्रस्तुत किया वो दिल दहला देने वाला था|

Waiting for the turn - A gruesome image from a slaughter house in Kerala

Hindus, this gruesome and disturbing picture is of a cow slaughter house in Kerala. See how the Muslims (Followers of 'Religion of Piece') are brutally killing the Cows, our 'Holy Matas'. When we Hindus are going to killing of our sacred Gow-Mata ? Hindus, be ready to fight against demonic Muslims who kill our holy cows !!!

A cow waiting for her turn looking at the piles of carcass of her fellow mates - A scene from a slaughter house in Kaloor 

Shameless Cong gives A Raja & Kalmadi berths in key Parliament panels

If A Raja and Kalmadi would have been in China, uptill now they would have been hanged in public in some City Square for such huge corruption. Indians, now it is time to throw the corrupt Congress and its UPA allies in the hell. When we Indians are going to wake up ? Do you know that today we are facing so much inflation, which can be reduced if our 'Scam-Expert' Politicians would have used the money they have 'eaten' up for Indian citizens ?

For tainted MPs A Raja and Suresh Kalmadi, even a jail term did not come in the way of their being nominated to Parliamentary Standing Committees.

According to an NDTV report, both MPs who had spent more than a year in jail have been granted berths by the Congress in latest panel reshuffle. While Kalmadi was given a spot in the standing committee on external affairs, Raja has been inducted in the energy committee.

Interestingly, Kalmadi’s arrest and suspension from the Congress party in April 2011 over his alleged involvement in the CWG case had in no way hindered the party from granting him the slot in the panel. The Congress member from Pune was the Chairman of the CWG organising committee at the time that irregularities were reported. Kalmadi got bail in January this year.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Latest Victim of Hate Jihad in Kerala - Jithu ; succumbs to death

This is another alert for Hindus in Kerala ! Now if you do not wake up and stand united to fight against demon of Anti-Hindu nexus of Muslims, Christians, Communists and other Sickulars, then you will definitely be wipe out by these forces ! Be ready to attack these anti-Hindu forces for your own self-defense and your better future !!!

Kerala Junior football team Vice Captain Jithu Mohan succumbed to death today.He was doused with Petrol and Set on Fire last week,all because he fell in love with Shabana, a Muslim girl hailing from Chunakkara.He succumbed to death today at Amritha Hospital, Ernakulam

Pak President Zardari support J&K separatist leader Mirwaiz, want him to visit Pak

Shame on Indian politicians who always lick boots of Pakistani politicians for 'Peace' between India and Pak. India also allowed Pak companies for FDI. So as a return gift to India, Pak President opened his 'gutter' mouth and start spitting venom against India by supporting J&K Seperatist leader. Now true Bharatiyas should come together and destroy enemy of Nation in the form of Separatists, Useless Indian Politicians and Pak !

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari has invited moderate faction of Hurriyat Conference chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and other separatist leaders to visit the country.

Zardari extended the invitation to Mirwaiz during his meeting with him on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly session on Friday evening, the Hurriyat spokesman said.

Pakistan's Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar and Pakistan's Ambassador to the US Sherry Rehman were also present during the meeting.

Muslims are not in need of a reason for rioting against non-Muslims at any time

Muslims are not in Need of a reason for rioting
By Dr. Babu Suseelan

Muslims are not in need of any reason for rioting, beheading, killing and burning alive of Infidels. It is in Islam’s history and by nature, all Islamists are brutal, and aggressive.  Through out the 1400 years of Islamic history, everything Muslims  have touched have been marred with Al-Taqyiea (lying) wars, plunder, looting, destroying culture, invasion, tyranny, massacre and Jihad terror. Islam has destroyed all traditional faiths, peaceful religious practices, harmony, peace, coexistence, and higher transcendental learning. Omar the cruel disciple of Mohammad has said, “burn all libraries in the world, everything is in the Koran”. The murderous converted Muslims have burned all libraries in Alexandria, Egypt, Persia, Syria including the world’s largest University and libraries in Nalanda and Takshasila. Original; ethical concepts, peaceful living, harmony, religious tolerance have been destroyed by force, Empathy, love, morality and harmony among people and Islamic Mullahs  have been twisted morality and peaceful living into Jihad and hatred.

650 'unidentified persons' booked by Police for clash in Meerut over cow slaughter

So now 'efficient police force' of Mullah Mulayam ruled UP have registered cases against 650 unidentified people, it means that no one will be arrested in the connection of this case. If case would have been reversed i.e. if Hindus would have attacked Muslims (which Hindus do not dare), Police would have definitely arrested and tortured many Hindus (even though they may have connection with such attacks or may not) ! Now Hindus should be ready to give befitting reply to rioting Muslims who attacked them !!!

UP : Cases were registered against 650 unidentified people in connection with the Saturday night's violence in Bhanwara village of the district over reports of cow slaughter.

The cases were registered under different sections of IPC, police said, adding that no arrest, however, has been made so far.

The situation at the village is tense but under control and senior police officials are patrolling the violence-hit region, they said.

Monday 1 October 2012

Bangladeshi Muslims torch Buddhist temples, homes

COX'S BAZAR, Bangladesh (AP) — Thousands of Bangladeshi Muslims set fire to at least 10 Buddhist temples and 40 homes in anger over a Facebook photo of a burned Quran before authorities restored order.

The situation was under control Sunday afternoon after extra security officers were deployed and the government banned public gatherings in the troubled areas near the southern border with Myanmar, said Nojibul Islam, a police chief in the coastal district of Cox's Bazar.

Meerut : Muslim attack Hindus over cow slaughter issue

To hell with this 'Sickular' useless so-called Main Stream Media (MSM) - why they do not show guts to present the truth as it is ? Everyone knows that only Muslims slaughter cows, even though cows are holy for Hindus. Also this is not at all clash, as Muslims only attacked Hindus with arms and guns. Now Hindus should also be ready with necessary weapons for their self-defense from such fanatic Muslims ! Hindus, if you do not wake up now, you are definitely going to perish permanently !

Meerut (UP) - Several people were injured following a clash between two communities over reports of cow slaughter here, police said today.

Violence broke out in Bhanwara village here after supporters of three arrested youths reached the house of complainants last night and opened fire, they said.

The youths, belonging to a particular community, were arrested earlier yesterday on charges of cow slaughter, police said.

Heavy police force has been deployed in the village to maintain law and order and the situation is currently under control, police said.

Sunday 30 September 2012

Mullah Mulayam wants Urdu a compulsory subject in UP govt schools

Now 'Mullah Mulayam' has started Islamisation of Uttar Pradesh. Will Hindus retaliate against it ? Today Hindus are suffering with the 'the dire consequences' due to electing pro-Muslim Government of Samajwadi Party. Why Hindus do not learn that SP can go to any level to appease Muslims. Few days before there was news that UP CM Akhilesh Yadav has directed his party MLAs not to help Hindu Brahmins at all. Now Hindus should resist against such pro-Muslim decisions by UP Govt. !
Samajwadi Party (SP) chief Mulayam Singh Yadav has asked Uttar Pradesh government to weigh the option of introducing Urdu as a compulsory subject in government schools.

Although the SP had promised in its assembly election manifesto to establish Urdu medium primary and high schools in Muslim-dominated areas of UP, the fresh suggestion was a step ahead to keep the minorities in good faith.

The demand for Urdu as a compulsory subject from Class V in the state government-run schools was raised by Shia cleric Kalbe Jawwad during his meeting with Mulayam last month.

Digvijaya Singh, Zakir Naik and Indian Secularism

Recently, Sonia Gandhi's Congress party's General Secretary, Digvijaya Singh, was on Peace TV, run by Dr. Zakir Naik. Addressing a large gathering of Muslims, Digvijaya Singh gave us a glimpse of how India's ruling party Congress views Zakir Naik, thanks to their practiced version of “secularism”.

Some “gems” from Digvijaya Singh during those eight momentous minutes, are listed below. Don't worry if you can't watch that video or any of the videos provided in this writeup. Don't worry if you don't follow Hindi. We will translate what's necessary, and will transcript what's necessary from the videos, so that you will grasp exactly what's going on. More importantly, we will only use good research or analysis that is already available on the internet, making this column more of a relevant compilation, rather than an original research.

Now read on

# Main “Huzoor” Doctor Zakir Naik sahib ka bahut aabhari hoon.

# Mujhe is baat ki khushi hain, ki wey Shanti ka sandesh poore vishwa mein phehla rahe hain. Shanti se hi pragati hoti hain.

# Please go abroad, but I also request you to travel into those parts of India where 1000 years of Hindu Muslim coexistence is being breached and you be the bridge to join them.

# Dr. Zakir sahib ne toh saare Dharm ke kitab padh chuke hain.

# Mujhe mere Guru, mata aur pita ne kahin nahin sikhaya ki koi dharam kharab hota hain.

# Insaan accha yaa bura hota hain, magar dharam kabhi bura nahi  hota.

# Aapka yeh shanti ka sandesh, is poore mulk mein pahunchna chahiye. Is mulk mein pahunch kar kone kone tak jaana chahiye

# Kuch log aise hain, jo Islam ko galat tareeke se pesh karte hain.

# Islam came to India 1400 years back.

# Is desh mein dhaarmic yudh hindu aur musalmaano mein kabhi nahi hua.

# Shanti aur aman ka sandesh jan jan tak pahunchana, hamara farz banta hain.

Keeping aside Digvijaya's routine RSS or Hindu right bashing, that was also performed indirectly in that speech, let's examine how “knowledgeable” Congress party is when it comes to the *real* Zakir Naik and his “Peace” TV. In other words, how hollow the “secularism”, depicted in quotes for pseudo secularism, is in India. To make it easier, we might address Mr. Digvijaya Singh as Diggy going forward, as Diggy Raja is his nick name on internet and will strike a closer connection with the readers here.

Govt to boost presence of minorities in paramilitary forces

Hindus, this might be the plan of your extintion from this country as today the whole World knows that Muslims always admire their religion first and then they think about the place where they are living (Few Muslims are exception to this). Now Hindus should get ready to their self-defense and we should also overthrow the 'Secular' i.e. Hindu-hater UPA Govt. for the sake of Hindu Dharma and Bharat Mata !!!

New Delhi: The Centre has decided to launch a special drive to ensure adequate representation of minority communities in paramilitary forces.

Besides, the government is also going to strengthen the number of women in security forces.

The move assumes significance as it came after the Home Ministry noticed that the current recruitment process has not been able to reach out to remote areas and vacancies reserved for youth from border areas and Maoist-affected areas have not been filled up.

Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor embracing Islam, says WeeklyBlitz

Kareena Kapoor should leave Muslim actor Saif Ali Khan. If she want to get married, why she is not marrying any Hindu actor or any other Hindu ? Many so-called Hindus will also hail Kareena even though she will embrace Islam. Also it may create impact on the minds of Hindu girls who see useless actresses as their 'Ideals' and these girls may also fall prey to Muslims' Love-net. This thing is already going on throughout India and other parts of the World and this phenomenon is called as 'LOVE JIHAD'. Hindus should also completely dump such actresses who convert to Islam for their so-called Love !!!

One of the front-ranking actresses of Indian cine world named 'Bollywood' and member of famous Kapoor Family, Kareena Kapoor alian Bebo has decided to change her religion after she knots with Saif Ali Khan, actor and member of Pataudi Nawab family in India. According to sources inside Kapoor Family, most of the members of the Bollywood actress are showing anger at Kareena's decision to convert into Islam, as Saif Ali Khan has been pursuing her to follow the path of his mother – Sharmila Tagore, who embraced Islam after marrying Saif Ali Khan's father and changed her name to Begum Ayesha Sultana. In 1946 Sharmila was born in a Hindu Bengali family in Hyderabad State to Gitindranath Tagore who was then deputy general manager of the East India Company owner of Elgin Mills. Gitindranath was the son of Kanakendranath Tagore who is the son of noted painter Gaganendranath Tagore. She continued to remain in her Hindu faith until 1969, when she married Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, Nawab of Pataudi - former captain of the Indian cricket team, in a ceremony held on 27 December 1969.

Alarming decrease in Hindu population in Bangladesh

Hindus, remember that in 1947 Hindus were around 30% in Bangladesh and today they are mere 8.5% and numbers are declining. While in Hindu majority India, more than 15% population has become Muslim (excluding around 4 crores of Bangladeshi Muslims living illegally in India) and % of Hindus is decreasing. Now this ALARMING for Hindus and we should unite at the earliest to tackle this problem which may create problem for us in future !

Bangladeshi Hindus

In past ten years, in comparing to the growth of the total population in Bangladesh, there is an alarming decrease of Hindu population in the country. According to statistics available with the government sources, the proportionate decrease in Hindu population is around nine hundred thousand. The statistics show almost elimination of Hindu population in fifteen districts in the country. Most of the Hindu families in those districts were forced to leave the country. In 2001, the total number of Hindu population in Bangladesh was 16.83 million, while the population was expected to be 18.2 million in 2011. But the latest statistics available with the government shows the total number of Hindu population at 12.3 million, which is nine hundred thousand less than the expected rate of growth. Currently 8.5 percent of the total population of Bangladesh is Hindus, while in 2001, it was 9.2 percent. The proportion of Christian, Buddhist and other religious minority population did not see any decline in the past. Currently the total number of Muslim population in Bangladesh is 90.4 percent. The district-wise statistics of population sees "huge decline" or "almost elimination" of Hindu population in fifteen districts, though the statistics terms the decline of Hindu population as "missing population".

Hate Jihad : Hindu Boy bathed in petrol & fired up for loving a Muslim Girl

Doused with Petrol and Set on Fire : All in the Name of Love

So, what will happen next in case you are from a different religion in love with a Muslim girl? Have no doubts, you will be bathed in petrol and set fire on !!

A hapless boy of 21 years, Jithu Mohan was set alight after petrol was poured on him, all because he fell in love with Shabana, a Muslim girl hailing from Chunakkara. Grievously wounded, he has been admitted to the General Hospital, Ernakulam. The deed was done by the relatives of the girl, in an act of pure vengeance. And Jithu? A promising youth with a bright future in sports, being the Vice Captain of Kerala’s Junior football team which participated in the state championship held in Mizoram.

Bengal government’s leniency makes Islamists’ anti-film protests in Kolkata victorious

Now it is high time for Bengal Hindus to unite and fight against the Anti-Hindu Nexus of Mamata Banerjee Govt,. Islamists and Communists ! If Hindus do not retaliate now, then they will surely get perished like Kashmiri Pandits were driven out of the valley in 1990s by fanatic Islamic Jihadi terrorists ! Wake up Hindus, wake up !!!

By Hindu Samhati

Had any Hindu organization like Hindu Samhati sought governmental permission to hold a public meeting (however peaceful it is) at the Metro Channel or any spacious park in Kolkata the answer would have been no (in every capacity and in a flash) and how the Bengal government left no stone unturned to foil Hindu Samhati’s 4 th Anniversary on February 14, 2012 and this leonine Hindu organization’s counterpunch to it is still fresh.

Nevertheless, the same government allowed Islamists to hold a mammoth rally in the heart of Kolkata on September 27, 2012 to vent their anger against broadcast of “Innocence of Muslims” and against the United States, considered to be the sole perpetrator behind insulting the Islamic prophet. Even if some have been found to state that Bengal government, ascertaining danger behind the permission, withdrew the approval in the last hour, success of the meeting proves its capitulation to Islamists only.

Saturday 29 September 2012

Gujarat : 12 injured during Hindu-Muslim clashes during Ganesh festival procession

Anand (Gujarat) : At least twelve people were today injured in stone-pelting even as the angry mob damaged vehicles and shops at Dahemi village near here after the immersion procession of Lord Ganesh idol turned violent, police said. (Why Media don't show guts to call such 'violence' as Hindu-Muslim clashes ? Why they fear to tell the truth ? )

Two shops, a Maruti van, a Piaggio car, four motorcycles and two cycles were torched in the flare-up, according to a police officer.

Is it crime for an adult Hindu youth to marry an adult Muslim woman in Bengal ?

What makes administration dither in this regard?

Will Mamata, warrior in Rizwanur case, act like a vanguard here too?

Had the reverse taken place, there would have been nothing except wild celebrations proclaiming the suzerainty of the Religion of Peace (?) on infidels across the globe and also the solemn pledges to carry forward the struggle to retain and fortify seven century-long domination of Islamists on Hindus. But in this case there is courageous act of a Hindu youth only – certain to be deserted by Hindus fearing troubles – we are talking of Mithun Mandal, a Hindu individual of age 27, inhabiting Jaynagar, District: 24 Paraganas (South), working in Kolkata Municipal Corporation.

He has loved and married a Muslim girl, Tarina Sultana, age – 19, having residence in Ashoknagar, District: 24 Paraganas (North) and the newly wed couple, fearing slaying, is running from pillar to post now. And to punish such an atrocious job, members of Muslim girl’s family are leaving no stone unturned at the moment. It has come to knowledge, Mithun’s family has also been warned of dire consequences if the duo fails to surrender to Tarina’s family.

How ‘Religious Defamation’ Laws Would Ban Islam

As the Islamic world, in the guise of the 57-member state Organization of Islamic Cooperation, continues to push for the enforcement of “religious defamation” laws in the international arena—theoretically developed to protect all religions from insult, but in reality made for Islam—one great irony is lost, especially on Muslims: if such laws would ban movies and cartoons that defame Islam, they would also, by logical extension, have to ban the religion of Islam itself—the only religion whose core texts actively defame other religions. 

To understand this, consider what “defamation”means. Typical dictionary-definitions include “to blacken another’s reputation” and “false or unjustified injury of the good reputation of another, as by slander or libel.” In Muslim usage, defamation simply means anything that insults or offends Islamic sensibilities.

‘Secular’ Congress, ‘Communal’ Ads: Guj Congress cries ‘Oh Krishna, Oh Ganesha’

This is nothing but the victory of United Vote-bank of Hindus ! Now Hindus should create such Vote-bank not only in Gujarat, but also in whole Bharat and throw out the Congress and their 'Secular' allies like Samajvadi Party and DMK ! All these parties are hell bent upon Hindus and now its time for Hindus to throw these Hindu-haters in the hell to rot !!! 

Ahmedabad, September 21: It is surprising that how a ‘Secular’ Congress has taken a ‘communal route’ and used Hindu Gods in its lead advertisements to garner votes in Gujarat. Is it a Modi effect ? It seems that the Congress Party is sensing its defeat before defeat in Gujarat which ran a nonstop hatred campaign against the BJP and continued demonising Gujarat CM Narendra Modi.

Namaskar to Hindus and Bharatiyas !

|| Jai Shri Ganesh || Jai Shri Krishna ||

Namaskar, Pranam, Hello to all fellow Indians and my Hindu brothers and sisters across the Globe ! 

I am glad to start this blog on the auspicious occasion of 'Anant Chaturdashi', which is considered very much auspicious by Hindus as we worship 'Anant' i.e. Shri Vishnu on this day. Also on this day, Ganesh Festival ends with the immersion of Shri Ganesh Idols and Hindus await span of 1 year to welcome again 'Shri Ganesh' on next Ganesh Chaturthi.

Today we have many Hindus and Nationalists who are concerned about the ongoing persecution of Hindus all over the World. Also as Bharat (today many people call it India, but my heart always feels that 'Bharat' is the better word as it creates feelings of pride, joy and closeness towards our Motherland) is my Janmabhoomi, I can't forget it even though I may or may not live in Bharat !

With this blog, I will try to give information and create awareness about the events which are totally ignored by Indian 'Secular' (Read Anti-Hindu and Pro-Congress, Pro-Minority) Media. Even though I do not hate anyone, I think that it my duty to serve my own Sanatan Hindu Dharma and my Bharat Mata ! 

Let us start our journey towards better future for Hindus and Bharat and of course for the World !

|| कृण्वन्तो विश्वं आर्यम ||