Saturday 29 September 2012

Namaskar to Hindus and Bharatiyas !

|| Jai Shri Ganesh || Jai Shri Krishna ||

Namaskar, Pranam, Hello to all fellow Indians and my Hindu brothers and sisters across the Globe ! 

I am glad to start this blog on the auspicious occasion of 'Anant Chaturdashi', which is considered very much auspicious by Hindus as we worship 'Anant' i.e. Shri Vishnu on this day. Also on this day, Ganesh Festival ends with the immersion of Shri Ganesh Idols and Hindus await span of 1 year to welcome again 'Shri Ganesh' on next Ganesh Chaturthi.

Today we have many Hindus and Nationalists who are concerned about the ongoing persecution of Hindus all over the World. Also as Bharat (today many people call it India, but my heart always feels that 'Bharat' is the better word as it creates feelings of pride, joy and closeness towards our Motherland) is my Janmabhoomi, I can't forget it even though I may or may not live in Bharat !

With this blog, I will try to give information and create awareness about the events which are totally ignored by Indian 'Secular' (Read Anti-Hindu and Pro-Congress, Pro-Minority) Media. Even though I do not hate anyone, I think that it my duty to serve my own Sanatan Hindu Dharma and my Bharat Mata ! 

Let us start our journey towards better future for Hindus and Bharat and of course for the World !

|| कृण्वन्तो विश्वं आर्यम ||

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